Why hello there! Welcome to my little corner on the internet, my name is Rutu. I love everything makeup and beauty related so that what you’ll find on this site! I play with different types and techniques of makeup – sometimes I demonstrate them or sometimes I just write about them.

I’m a Brown Girl as you can see and I grew up the first ten years of my life in India. They were the best times and I remember a lot of my childhood vividly. I loved makeup/beauty and fashion even at that age and I remember playing with my mom’s makeup. It used to be compact powders and lipsticks and I still remember smothering my face with the powder and over lining my lips because I didn’t know what I was doing! I have learned better now 🙂 As I grew older and we moved to the States, I fell in love with makeup even more because it was so easily available in drug stores. And when I found out about Sephora and Ulta? Forget it, let’s just say I’m glad I lived with my parents while in college and afterwards because I used to spend all my money on makeup & clothes ?. So yeah that’s about me!

I hope you find some helpful content this website as it relates makeup, beauty and fashion. If you do then please be sure to share my page with other you may think find it helpful, leave me a comment and checkout my other social media for more content! See you around!

